Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Snowmobiling, New Years, and Family Fun!!!!
I am SO thankful for Stacy keeping up with her blog. Someday I'll get back into it, but for now check out all the crazy fun we have had the last few weeks on her blog... GRANDMA,CLICK HERE AND IT WILL TAKE YOU TO STACY's BLOG TO SEE THE PICTURES
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Jalapeno Pepper Jelly
Put gloves on!
3 Green Bell Peppers
1 Cup Fresh Jalapeño Peppers (I take the seeds out of all but a few)
1 ½ cup distilled white vinegar
6 ½ cup sugar
1 bag liquid pectin (there is two in a box)
-Chop peppers in food processor
-In a pot combine chopper peppers vinegar, sugar.
-Stir until boiling
-Stir in pectin
-Boil 5 minutes longer
-Skim foam off the top
-Ladle into jars
-Process for 5 minutes.
Serve with cream cheese and club crackers!
3 Green Bell Peppers
1 Cup Fresh Jalapeño Peppers (I take the seeds out of all but a few)
1 ½ cup distilled white vinegar
6 ½ cup sugar
1 bag liquid pectin (there is two in a box)
-Chop peppers in food processor
-In a pot combine chopper peppers vinegar, sugar.
-Stir until boiling
-Stir in pectin
-Boil 5 minutes longer
-Skim foam off the top
-Ladle into jars
-Process for 5 minutes.
Serve with cream cheese and club crackers!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
wanna help out?????

have you ever noticed if you search mormon on google that wierd images come up? my brother in law (who works for the church)is doing an experiment that will change that. all you have to do is post this picture to your blog.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
First Day of School 2010-2011
First day of school! First Day of School! I feel like we have great teachers this year for Ashlee and Zachary. They woke up before I did. I could hear them singing to ABC, 123 by Micheal Jackson. I made them blueberry pancakes with their favorite home aide syrup. I took them to their classroom, gave them a hug, and that was that! I can't believe another year is starting. They both are excited though and ready to conquer the world! Michelle and I are headed out the door right now to go pick them up and I am soooo excited to see how it went.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Around 600 B.C. When Lehi left Jerusalem, the rest of the world was…
The first polo game was recorded in north Persia about this time.
The nomadic Scythians bordered the Hallstatt Culture in the East. They introduced to the Celts the custom of wearing trousers.
Aesop said: "We hang the petty thieves, but appoint the great ones to public office."
Analysis of pottery from this time indicated that Mayans made cocoa drinks as early as this time.
Turquoise was first mined in the American southwest about this time and began to show up in Mesoamerica.
The first horse race on record was in the Olympic Games of Greece and the first prize was a "woman of well-rounded domestic skills."
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Provo and Benjamin 5K
Since Amy and Travis have been visiting from Georgia, we have been able to run in a couple races with Stephen (my very fast nephew). I get very nervous before the game, and the fist mile is always a killer, but I love coming across that finish line. I have finished in the 26th minute in both races. Ashlee and Zachary ran the Kids K's and won 1st and 2nd in their races. Below are a few of the pictures taken. To see ALL the pics of the races CLICK HERE.

Friday, July 30, 2010
The Red Barn with the cousins
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Hawaii 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Happy Birthday Dad!!!
Christmas Morning 2010
I am so glad the didn't wake up at 2am like they did last year. This time it was more like 8am. Ashlee was delighted to find her very own digital camera and a bunch of horse stuff, clothes, and Bakugons, and some Wii games.
Zachary thought for sure that for sure that Santa would forget about the Bakugons. He was sooo excited to see them on Christmas morning. He also was suprised to find a bike, skate board, and some Wii games.
Michelle was LOVING every second of whatever was going on. And I don't know what Chloe the dog thought.
Zachary thought for sure that for sure that Santa would forget about the Bakugons. He was sooo excited to see them on Christmas morning. He also was suprised to find a bike, skate board, and some Wii games.
Michelle was LOVING every second of whatever was going on. And I don't know what Chloe the dog thought.
Darron is the king of KSL classifieds. He has bought all of his fun toys off ksl. Its almost a hobby for him. These were our latest deal we found for the kids. They weren't working when we picked them up, but D did some fine tuning and now they work like they are brand new. The kids LOVE to ride. The mom just lets the dad watch them, becasuse she is a nervous wreck when they are zooming around in the snow.

Puzzle Time
Michelle and the Chair
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