Friday, April 24, 2009

Heavenly Father was watching out for us last night.

We are so blessed to have Zachary with us. Yesterday he jumped in in the car (passenger side) to grab a pack of bubble gum.
Next thing he new he was rolling down the driveway backwards, heading for the dropoff that is accross the street from us.
Luckily, when the car hit the curb across the street, it turned the wheels and it crashed into the big green electical box.
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1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh Jamie! I can't believe it! That is SO scary. I just tried calling you. You'll have to retell me the story. I'm so glad that Zack is alright!

    It reminds me when I was young and I was in a my friends truck with her and her sister. Her mom ran into the gas station and her sister knocked the gear shift and we started rolling backwards toward a hill. A stranger ran and jumped in and stopped the truck. It was scary. I can't imagine what would have happened if that guy didn't stop us.


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